Beauty Routine Before Sleeping
While you are sleeping at night time, it is the best time for your skin to naturally regenerate.
While you are sleeping at night time, it is the best time for your skin to naturally regenerate. However, there are certain conditions that can deter the regeneration process itself. Some factors including age, skin fatigue, and incomplete makeup cleansing. Therefore, applying skincare before sleeping is a very important routine. Try to follow these 5 skincare treatment steps before sleeping :
Double cleansing
Not cleaning your makeup throughly can damage skin and become a cause of early aging. This means, a thorough cleansing every night is very important. Washing your face with soap is not enough. Especially if you use makeup all day. You need to do double cleansing or cleaning your face in 2 steps. First, clean your makeup with COLLAGEN HYDRATING RESOURCE (CHR)™ CLEANSING LOTION, then wash with soap. Continue by freshen your skin by using COLLAGEN HYDRATING RESOURCE (CHR)™ MILKY TONER.
Not everyone has time to do regular facial at a clinic. You can try to do face steaming at home at least once a month. You can do it while showering with warm water or steam your face above a basin of hot water. Put your face closer near the hot steam. The dirt that blocks pores can now be easily removed so your skin is cleaner and healthier.
Moisturize Skin
After cleansing your face, moisturize using the right night cream based on your skin concern. You can try PROCOLLAGEN EXTREMA™ NIGHT CREAM. Containing ProCollagen and ingredients to moisturize your skin. Helps decrease fine lines and wrinkles, as well as moisturize the skin so skin looks smooth, supple and beautiful. You can also choose CLEAR WHITE SUPREME™ ENHANCING NIGHT CREAM as an alternative for night cream if you want a smoother, firmer and brighter skin.
Focus Area
If you have wrinkles and puffy eyes, apply PROCOLLAGEN EXTREMA™ EYE ESSENCE under the eye before sleeping. The formula can moisturize the area around the eye so fine lines and puffiness decrease significantly. Skin looks smooth and bright.
Use bandana
When you are sleeping, hair often sticks on your face. Your hair can be oily and dirty. Therefore, dirt can stick on the face and cause many skin concerns, such as acne. To avoid this, you can sleep using a bandana.