Tempo Scan Group (TSG) is giving donation related to the COVID-19 Pandemic which its contagion as well as the death rates due to the pandemic keeps rising.
Tempo Scan Group ("TSG") is giving donation related to the COVID-19 Pandemic which its contagion as well as the death rates due to the pandemic keeps rising.
TSG will donate Rp 15,000,000,000.- (fifteen billion Rupiah) added with voluntary participation from the Board of Directors, management, and all employees of TSG (“Big Family of TSG”) amounted to Rp 2,500,000,000.- (two billion five hundred million Rupiah), hence the total donation amounts to Rp 17,500,000,000.- (seventeen billion five hundred million Rupiah).
The participation from the Big Family of TSG is a reflection and implementation of the TSG’s core values of "Responsibility" & "Usefulness" for the country and the nation of the Republic of Indonesia.
The TSG’s donation will be realized gradually due to the limited stock of supplies required especially for Medical Workers and Indonesian people in general. However, TSG and all its management line shall exert every effort to realize the donation in the forms of the following:
1) Rp. 8,000,000,000.- (eight billion Rupiah) worth of Rapid Tests (depending on the exchange rate of Rupiah and importation costs) which shall be provided by TSG to BNPB and other Government Institutions in need thereof;
2) Rp. 7,500,000,000.- (seven billion five hundred million Rupiah) worth of various Personal Protective Equipments ("APD") which shall be provided by TSG to Indonesian Medical Workers especially those who struggle and work in the front line of Hospitals in Indonesia;
3) Rp. 2,000,000,000.- (two billion Rupiah) worth of products of Medicines, Vitamins, Beverages, Children Milk, Hand Sanitizers & Disinfectants, Soaps, Floor Cleaners, and others, which shall be provided by TSG to the Indonesian community in need affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The said donation is planned to be realized in stages and expected to be completed by early May 2020. Furthermore, the stages of realization shall be conducted transparently and documented thoroughly as a form of our responsibility and commitment to the donation. In addition to that, TSG has also set up an internal Working Team led by the Board of Directors and management of TSG in order to ensure that the realization of the donation goes as planned.